Shirt-Burlington Coat Factory
Skirt-Burlington Coat Factory
I was in Burlington Coat Factory looking for a dress (for an anniversary date) and on my way to the register I accidentally picked up this skirt and shirt. Oops (but not really).
The skirt is soooo super cute and perfect for summer how could a pass it up, and paired with a crop top has got me in the summer spirit!! That's a lie. Because summer is 1,000 degrees with no escape, but I pretend.
These shoes are old. Probably not in store anymore, but I'm sure there are a ton like it, maybe not as good a price as payless, but they're most likely available somewhere.
This park was infested with ants, and other little critters. I took one home in the folds of my skirt.Yikes. It was entertaining watching my husband hop around and try to take pics at the same time though. Thanks darling. :D
This summer has been a fun time! I just went on a trip to New York and turned 25 while there. We explored Central Park, rode the subways, admired the art in the art museums, and shopped until I dropped. It's an unforgettable one, this summer. But come on Fall. I'm ready for your cooler weather, pumpkin spice latte's, and Halloween!
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